Sales order Forecast with Odoo

Sales Order Forecast is an Odoo module that allows you to forecast your sales orders based on past sales, current trends, and other data-driven factors.

You can use it to predict how much product will be needed over a specific period, ensuring you have enough stock on hand and when needed.

What is a Sales Forecast?

A sales forecast is an estimate of future business activity. It is usually expressed as a quantitative value such as 30 thousand euros or 10 percent growth year-on-year. Sales forecasting aims to predict how much money will be made from future sales.

This information can be used to determine whether or not it will be profitable to expand operations or hire more employees to meet increased demand for goods and services.

Sales forecasts can also be used for other purposes such as budgeting and strategic planning.

A sales order forecast is based on the previous day's orders and the expected future sales. It is a useful tool for planning and managing inventory levels and supply chain demand.

Odoo Sales Forecast

Odoo Sales Forecast module allows you to create forecasts for each product and automatically generate a report based on user-defined criteria. The forecast can be created for a specific period or all periods.

The product lifecycle view is a useful tool to manage the life cycle of your products, including their creation, modification, and deletion. You can use this module to create and manage different product versions and versions' sales forecasts.

The module includes three types of views that allow you to manage various aspects of your products' lifecycles:

  • Product Lifecycle View: This view displays all the products in the system with their current status (in stock, out of stock).
  • Product Versions View: This view displays all the product versions available in your system and allows you to modify their status (in or out of stock).
  • Sales Forecast View: This view displays all sales forecasts by period and customer.

With Odoo ,you can generate purchase orders based on sales orders to track the quantities ordered and received, as well as the cost of each item ordered. You can also use this module to automatically generate purchase orders for your customers based on their sales orders.

You can create a PO template and add it to a sales order as an option. When a customer makes a purchase using this template, they will be presented with an order form that includes only the items in the template.

The sales forecast module also provides several features to help you make accurate forecasts.

Forecasting is done with a simple drag-and-drop feature. The forecast module is integrated into the sales module so that you can see directly how it impacts the profitability of your business.

You can choose between different forecasting methods: linear, exponential or polynomial.

The following features are available:

  • Easy forecasting with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, no need for formulas.
  • Forecast by product, customer or date range weekly, monthly, yearly.
  • Forecast for one or several locations at once.
  • Customize your forecasts by using different methods linear/exponential/polynomial.

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