Izstrādājam  vērtīgus programmatūras risinājumus  biznesam!

Pieteikt bezmaksas konsultāciju

Programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumi

Biznesa sistēmu izstrāde

Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your actionProgrammatūras izstrādes pakalpojumi

person standing near the stairs

Odoo ERP integrācija

To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.

man using laptop

Ekspertu ārpakalpojums

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.

Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table

AWS mākoņrisinājumi

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.

Test: Speciālistu nomas izmaksu kalkulators

Norādiet speciālistu nomas ilgumu mēnešos

(Minimāli viens mēnesis)

Biznesa nozare

Izvēlēties tehnoloģiskās zināšanas un nepieciešamo speciālistu skaitu

Norādiet Jūsu e-pasta adresi

Balstoties uz Jūsu atbildēm mēs sagatavosim piedāvājumu un nosūtīsim uz norādīto e-pasta adresi.

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Programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumi

Biznesa sistēmu izstrāde

Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your actionProgrammatūras izstrādes pakalpojumi

person using laptop computer holding card

Odoo ERP integrācija

To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.

turned-on post-2018 iPhone

Ekspertu ārpakalpojums

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.

Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table

AWS mākoņrisinājumi

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.

Nepieciešama konsultācija prasību un tāmes sagatavošanā
Prasības sagatavotas, nepieciešama tāme
Prasības un dizains sagatavoti, nepieciešama tāme
Prasības sagatavotas, budžets zināms; jāprogrammē nestandarta risinājums
Meklējam gatavu risinājumu (web lapa, e-komercija, grāmatvedības sistēma, klientu pašapkalpošanās portāls un taml.)
Programmatūra eksistē, nepieciešama tās attīstība/uzturēšana

Intuitive system

What you see is what you get

Insert text styles like headers, bold, italic, lists, and fonts with a simple WYSIWYG editor. Flexible and easy to use.

Customization tool

Click and change content directly from the front-end: no complex back end to deal with.

Building blocks system

Create your page from scratch by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully customizable building blocks.

Design features

Bootstrap-based templates

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.